Besides performance data, what other information is collected by TIMSS?
Answer: Student Questionnaire: This questionnaire collects information about learners related to their attitudes towards maths and science, as well as their school experiences and home environments. Teacher Questionnaire: The mathematics and science teachers for each of the sampled classes are required to answer questions regarding their experience, views and attitudes towards the teaching and learning of their respective subjects within the classroom environment, as well as the topics taught in each subject and classroom practices. School Questionnaire: This questionnaire is administered to the principals of the participating schools. Questions relate to school characteristics, instructional time, resources and technology, parental involvement, school climate for learning, teachers, the role of the principal, and learners’ school readiness. Home questionnaire: In 2015, a home questionnaire was introduced for the fourth grade (fifth grade in South Africa) assessment. This questionnaire was administered to the parents of caregivers of each learner and collected information about learner’s home backgrounds and early learning experiences.