The South African TIMSS data that has been collected over the past 25 years has provided a rich body of research in the form of highlights reports, full national reports, and two provincial reports for TIMSS 2019. Item diagnostic reports have also been produced that draw conclusions from the TIMSS results to show common learner strengths and weaknesses and make recommendations for remediation.
In addition, a range of journal articles and books/book chapters using TIMSS SA data have been published. Short pieces that focus on particular aspects of learner achievement or contextual factors have also been written, in the form of HSRC Review pieces, policy briefs and TIMSS SA spotlights. The TIMSS SA Newsletter provides subscribers with information and links to recent publications. One of the key features of many of the newsletters is infographics focusing on particular topics.
The Inclusive Economic Development (IED) research division of the HSRC, which manages the TIMSS study in South Africa, is involved in research in several areas of education. Research within the division also focuses on the public relationship with science, and understanding and promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as school subjects, and higher education and career choices. Several publications related to education and the public relationship with science areas are available on our website.